I wore Heaven Scent when I was 15. I remember exactly because that's when I got my first official kiss. I say official because I was actually kissed for the first time when I was 14, but never told my parents, so 15 is my story and I'm sticking to it.
Just for fun, when I got home I searched online for Heaven Scent perfume to see if they still make it. They do! Heaven Scent, designed by Dana in 1936, has lasted nearly 60 years after it helped entice a boy to kiss me.
Heaven Scent is available on a web site called FragranceNet. Closer inspection of that site has revealed the availability of just about any perfume or cologne your nose can recall. For a limited time, FragranceNet will be donating to Pink for a Cure® , a national fundraiser for breast cancer research. That in itself helped me decide it was the perfect time to march right into the online store and buy some memories. It won't make me 14, er, 15, again, but it will be nice to visit my old friend Heaven Scent once again.
Do you or your companion have a scent from yesteryear you'd love to enjoy again? I'll bet you can find it here...

~ Until next time, don't act your age! ~