Sunday, September 12, 2010

Never too old for...
a shoe club

For the first 22 months of my life, I had one pair of shoes to my name. I still have them, tiny white Mary Janes, with thin little straps across the tops. They were very tight and the soles so thin it seemed I had been busy running from something, rather than toward someone. It's a long story, and involves four different foster homes. Yes, I know, abandonment issues, but that's a whole other blog.

During college, I had maybe four pairs of shoes; red flip flops and three pairs of boots. Who needed more back then? The boots, all hippy chic, saw lots of action as I hiked myself all over a huge college campus in rain and sleet and snow, oh, no, wait, that was the mail man.

Since my 20s, eight or nine pairs of small heels and flats have lived in my closet. No sexy heels. I had fallen in my early 30s, busted up an ankle pretty badly, and been told by an orthopedist to nix the heels or face extensive surgery to repair the ligament.

I love heels. But I love not having surgery better.

As a result, I'm no shoe diva. Until recently, all my shoes were of neutral colors and purchased mainly to go with specific outfits. I didn't pay much for any of them, most of them were at least 15 years old, and I really only wore three or four pairs on a regular basis.

Today I have 20 pairs of shoes for which I've paid less than $50 each and I wear them all. Hey, I even have a shoe organizer! I have one black pair and one brown pair, but the others are of various colors, from taupe to rose, sienna to gray/blue. Yes, they're still low heels or flats, but I am finally foot fashionable.

No, I didn't win the lottery and decide to buy a pair of shoes for every year I've been around. (OK, I'm not 20 - surprise!) I discovered Shoe Dazzle, a fun little shoe club. It's free to join and every month, they'll send you a link to view your own personal showroom (based on your personal preferences) and you can choose a pair of shoes, a handbag, or set of accessories for only $39.95. You can skip any month you don't want anything and there's no pressure to buy a certain number of items each year. I've really had a lot of fun with Shoe Dazzle and my feet are happy about it too.

Mostly, I'm just tickled to pieces to have made it to age 57 (yes, there were a couple of close calls through the years) and be happy and healthy enough to enjoy dishing up shoes with the girls.

~ Until next time, don't act your age! ~

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